Top Shared Hosting Risks and How To Prevent Them?

Top 3 Risks of Shared Hosting and How to Prevent Them? | MilesWeb

Shared hosting is a very popular choice for websites and blogs because it is affordable. However, sharing a website hosting server with multiple other sites also brings some security risks that you need to be aware of. Let’s look at the main risks of using shared hosting and how you can try to prevent them.

What is Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting means that your website files are stored on a single server along with the files for many other websites. The server resources like disk space, CPU, and memory are shared between all of the hosted sites.

This is different from having a dedicated server just for your site. Shared hosting is cheaper because you are splitting the cost of the server with other site owners. However, there are some downsides in terms of security and performance.

Shared Hosting Risks

  • Shared Directory Risk

On a shared hosting server, every website has its own folder for files. But all of those folders are located inside a single main directory. That means if a hacker could gain access to the main directory, they could potentially get to files from any site hosted there.

Website programmes and plugins are commonly exploited by hackers to access this shared directory. They can assault other sites on the server laterally once inside.

Update and fix WordPress core, themes, and plugins to decrease this risk. You can also use security plugins that help block attacks.

  • Bad Neighbor Effect

Since you don’t know what other sites are hosted on your server, there is the possibility of being impacted if any of them are running malicious scripts or are compromised by hackers. For example, if one site is used to send spam emails or launch DDoS attacks, it could cause performance issues or get your shared IP address blacklisted.

Choosing a reputable shared hosting provider that has good security practices can help mitigate this risk. But it’s impossible to avoid it entirely on a shared server.

  • Shared Resources Impact

Since all the sites are sharing the same pool of server resources on shared hosting, if one site gets a big traffic spike or is engaged in resource-intensive activities, it can reduce the performance of all the other sites on that server.

You can only avoid this by regularly monitoring site speed/performance changes. If the problem remains, you might need a higher-tier hosting package.

  • Slow Load Times

Related to the resource sharing issue above, having multiple sites piling requests onto the same server with cheap shared hosting can result in slow load times, especially during peak traffic periods. This could make the user experience worse or even hurt your search results.

You can optimize your site’s code, leverage caching, and use a content delivery network to help mitigate slow load times.

  • Increased Attack Surface

Since there are multiple sites hosted together, it gives hackers more potential entry points to try to exploit. They can scan all sites on a shared IP address looking for vulnerabilities to break in.

Using tools like website firewalls, security monitoring services, and keeping software up-to-date are important security measures in the best-shared hosting environment.

How to Reduce Shared Hosting Risks

While shared hosting is affordable, the risks above show there are tradeoffs in website security and performance. Here are some tips to reduce risks:

  • Use a reputable shared hosting provider with strong security
  • Keep software updated and patched
  • Use security plugins/firewalls to block attacks
  • Limit file permissions
  • Disable PHP execution in untrusted directories
  • Monitor for strange activity like unauthorized file changes
  • Have a backup plan to quickly restore your site if compromised
  • Consider VPS or dedicated servers for security/performance.


While shared hosting in India is cost-effective, the multi-tenant nature of shared servers means there’s always some residual risk to security despite precautions. As your site and business scale, upgrading from shared hosting to a more isolated solution may become necessary.


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Factors To Consider When Configuring Your Dedicated Server

Apa itu Website? Pengertian, Jenis dan Manfaatnya - Herza Cloud

A dedicated server is said to be one of the finest platforms to host your business website or blogging website. Simply put, when the physical server and hosting services are all concentrated on a single website, it is called dedicated server hosting.

It is used by numerous large-scale websites on the internet due to all that it provides. With the increasing awareness of dedicated server benefits, the number of hosting service users migrating to dedicated servers is increasing, too. 

The overall performance of your website depends largely on the quality of services your provider offers. Choosing the best dedicated server hosting provider is paramount if you want your website to perform at its best. Once you have chosen a provider, you will have to configure the server, and that is where the skills lie. 

Let us understand some important factors to consider while configuring a dedicated server!

3 Factors To Consider For Dedicated Server Configuration

  • Location

We do not usually pay any heed to the physical location of the server, however, we must, because a dedicated server is hardware and has a physical infrastructure. The distance between the server and users is directly proportionate to the performance of your website. This means if the two parties are close, the performance will be good. 

But if the two parties are far away from each other, say Sri Lanka and California, the performance of the website will lag. This is because the more the distance, the more time it will take for data transmission. This is why you are advised to purchase the dedicated server that is located near you!

  • Type

There are two types of dedicated server hosting services: managed or unmanaged. The providers help you customize the dedicated hosting plan by providing the option of managing the website, configuration, and settings or leaving it up to the customers. With managed dedicated hosting, the service provider will manage and maintain the website and offer any technical support whenever needed (advised if you have no expertise in the hosting field). 

This is not the case with unmanaged dedicated servers. The management and maintenance of the website is the website owner’s responsibility. You can opt for this one if you have expertise in the field or have a team of staff dedicated to managing the website.

  • Operating System

You can choose the operating system for your server; it can be Linux or Windows! The Windows operating system is exclusive to Microsoft devices. Unlike the Windows OS, Linux is suitable for any and every server device, making it the first choice for most website hosting service users. With the help of control panel tools like cPanel, dedicated server configuration has become easy.


Your choices while configuring the dedicated server affect the functionality and management of your website. It is important to make informed decisions while keeping all the hosting and website aspects in mind. Since a dedicated server comes at a considerable cost, it is crucial to choose the perfect path while configuring!

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Issues With Too Many WordPress Plugins and How To Fix It?

How Many Plugins is Too Many? What You Need to Know - Codeable

The growing importance of an active website showcasing brand values while promising an enhanced user experience is one of the prime reasons behind the growing demand for global and Australian WordPress hosting services.

When you buy domain and web hosting services online, you can customise your website as needed without compromising quality. One popular tool that allows businesses to design user-friendly websites is WordPress.

WordPress is a solution-driven tool that can be modified with plugins as required for the most efficient website. But do you know how many WordPress plugins are too many? Are you aware of the impact of too many plugins in WordPress?

This blog will discuss the common issues arising from implementing multiple WordPress plugins and quick ways to avoid them.

Common WordPress Plugin Issues With Too Many Plugins

The primary purpose of WordPress plugins is to streamline the website development process and its overall functionality. The correct use of WordPress plugins can help create highly interactive and user-friendly website designs, directly impacting business efficiency and growth.

But what happens with too many plugins in WordPress? Let’s find out.

  • Poor Website Security

One of the most significant issues with too many plugins in WordPress is reduced or compromised website security. Different developers create all the different plugins available for WordPress, increasing the website security vulnerabilities as not all developers can be trusted.

Moreover, given that each plugin has its code inputs, multiple code requests on the server can make it an easy target for cyberattacks.

  • Slow Website Speed

There is no one plugin for one requirement as WordPress, being an open-source platform, allows multiple developers to create plugins, increasing the chance of duplicated features of plugins.

If too many WordPress plugins are integrated with your website, similar nature plugins can directly impact the website’s speed and performance. This is because each plugin requires server resources and space, so if multiple of the same category are running together, it can deeply impact the response time.

  • Unreliable Plugins

WordPress plugins might often not be developed by reliable sources or proper safe coding. Adding such plugins onto your website can deeply impact its ability to handle performance load, forcing it to crash more often.

This reflects a poor business image and can push out negative publicity.

  • Incompatibility Concerns

Not all plugins are easily compatible with one another or other elements on the website, like themes. 

Therefore, crowding the website with too many incompatible plugins can result in increased load time, website crashes, exhausted resources on the server, and poor user experience. This can discourage users from interacting with your website, impacting traffic and results.

How To Fix WordPress Plugin Issues?

Focus on necessary requirements only and pick reliable plugins to facilitate these needs effectively without impacting performance or load time.

Closely monitor the use case of different plugins and remove or uninstall the unwanted or unnecessary plugins that serve no distinctive purpose.

Assess the plugin quality, reliability, and compatibility before adding it to your website.

Ensure all plugins are updated occasionally to keep their latest versions active. This will reduce the scope of poor configuration, which can cause serious issues during website updates.

Wrapping Up

Investing in the right tools and technologies to create a website for your business is necessary to properly maintain your online presence. WordPress is a popular tool with multiple benefits due to its user-friendly interface and easy-to-understand design implementation.

However, not monitoring the available plugins and their value addition to your website can seriously impact performance and user experience. Therefore, carefully assess each plugin before adding it to your WordPress website for best results. 

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